
This website provides resource material to support the Genetics module in Year 5.  Material for the genetics component of Molecules to Man in the first year of the Medical Course is available through WebCT.

The Y5 genetics module is spread across the Paediatrics and Obstetric courses. The teaching is interactive; case discussions in small groups follow a plenary introduction on each part of the module.
Fifth year: Group A ( Obstetrics, then paediatrics)
Animated tutorials on single gene inheritance and translocations:
for revising how genes and chromosomes segregate at meiosis: the basis of the pedigree pattern and risks to family members.

(These are animated Powerpoint tutorials. If the animations do not proceed automatically, please press the page down key to activate each animation. If there are difficulties in viewing them at remote sites please let us know)
Autosomal dominant inheritance
Autosomal recessive inheritance

X-linked recessive inheritance:
here the mother is a carrier
where the father is affected

X-linked dominant inheritance    224K

Chromosome translocations:
Robertsonian translocation 
Reciprocal translocation 

Clinical extensions of the key concepts:
Both parents affected by an autosomal dominant disorder   
Parent(s) affected by an autosomal recessive disorder  

Fifth year: Group B ( Paediatrics, then obstetrics)
Guidelines on drawing a pedigree

Practice in drawing a pedigree


Recommended textbooks and further reading

Reference Glossary of Genetic Terms

a fairly extensive reference glossary of genetic terms to help with unfamiliar terms


Useful Genetics Web Resources
(Genetics databases; aids to learning genetics/genetics information; professional organisations and careers in genetics; ethical issues;  genetic policy information; information for patients about genetic diseases)

We are interested in ideas for the form and content of the site. Please email Nicola Cooper with comments and ideas.

The picture of the family is from Bios - Genomes